Eastern Baltic Hub
Improving port access and hinterland connection of the Port of HaminaKotka in the ScanMed Corridor
Eastern Baltic Hub -project is co-financed by the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program. The project improves port access and hinterland connections in the Mussalo Harbour of the Port of HaminaKotka in the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Core Network Corridor of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). HaminaKotka is a TEN-T core maritime port.
The aim is to provide an efficient, safe and sustainable maritime entry and exit point by removing the current bottleneck of insufficient port infrastructure in order to accommodate larger vessels and to handle more efficiently increased container and break-bulk cargo flows. The project is a part of a long-term port development plan. The improvements enable better service level and efficient handling of increased transhipments and larger vessels.
In the project, capital dredging and the construction of breakwater are improving safe port access. The construction of a new quay is relieving traffic congestion, improving the basic infrastructure, and enabling larger vessels with a deeper vessel draught to enter the harbour area. The hinterland connections and interoperability of cargo transport between rail and maritime transport will be improved by a new rail to the deep harbour area.
Implementation time: 12.4.2018-31.12.2023
EU CEF Action number and information: 2017-FI-TM-0123-W

- Improvement of deep harbour access
- Capital dredging of the Mussalo Harbour basin
- Construction of a breakwater
- Construction of a quay
- Hinterland connection: Construction of a rail connection
- Communication, dissemination and project management
- Ex-post climate change impact assessment