The pandemic and the unstable geopolitical situation which has caused that St. Petersburg no longer is visited by cruise ships, have had an impact on the international cruise traffic on the eastern Baltic Sea for several years. However, the consumer interest towards the eastern Baltic cruise ports has increased, and ports as HaminaKotka that are suitably situated on the itinerary, are gaining demand. The possibility of being able to receive ships of all sizes at pier and the location nearby the capitals Tallinn and Helsinki, makes the Port of HaminaKotka a very worthy port to berth at.
This year the cruise season in Port of HaminaKotka starts mid June, when Aida Cruises brings AIDAbella to Hamina. Other cruise ships that visit Port of HaminaKotka will berth in the city center port Kantasatama in Kotka. Altogether four international cruise ships will visit the Port of HaminaKotka during the summer season.
Despite all the challenges, Port of HaminaKotka has been very active and working hard in promoting the port and destination.
"We look into the future with great confidence and have already received bookings for the coming two years", the project manager for cruise business Petra Cranston says.
Cruise ships visiting HaminaKotka during the summer of 2025:
15.6. AIDAbella, Hamina
29.6. Sirena, Kantasatama
5.7. Azamara Journey, Kantasatama
4.8. Hebridean Sky