By the end of June nine international cruise ships have visited the Port of HaminaKotka and the Kotka-Hamina region, and the next one calls the region on July 12th. So far over 12 000 guests have arrived into the Port of HaminaKotka during the summer. The feedback from guests and crew has been only positive and greatly appreciated. The supply and diversity of the things to do in the region has been taken by surprise. Further, the destination is experienced as entertaining, cozy, clean and the people are described as friendly and multilingual. The eastern Gulf of Finland National Park and especially the island of Ulko-Tammio has allured as a new venue in a positive way. Early June the luxury cruise ship Silver Wind called at this island, and the guests experienced the venue as an unforgettable unique place to visit, and the island visit was in fact declared as the best destination of the specific itinerary according to given feedback.
The cruise guests visiting this summer are mostly visitors from the US, South America, Canada, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Germany and from Great Britain.
The cruise tourism segment is expected to heal up to the pre-pandemic times also in the Baltic area despite of the global macroeconomic challenges and the on-going geopolitical situation. Up to 20 000 cruise guests and crew members are expected to travel with the ships visiting Port of HaminaKotka to experience the Kotka-Hamina region. The cities Hamina and Kotka, as well as the local entrepreneurs have in close collaboration together with the Port of HaminaKotka co-ordinated a wide range of services that will be offered to the international guests.
International cruise ships are expected to call in Port of HaminaKotka still during the dates of the 6th, 11th and 17th of August.
For more information:
Project Manager, Cruise Business Petra Cranston
Port of HaminaKotka
phone: +358 50 518 8895