On 1 May 2021, ten years will have elapsed from the merger of the ports of Hamina and Kotka. The port merger brought along both investment savings and synergy benefits. As a result of the merger, the new large-scale seaport took its place as the biggest container, export, transit and general port in Finland. To an ever-increasing degree, it has also evolved into a hub of port-related industrial enterprises.
“On its 10th anniversary, the competitiveness of the Port of HaminaKotka is at its peak both nationally and internationally, and it is ready to face all the challenges of the future. For this, thanks are due to our efficient and extensive customer and co-operation network as well as our committed owners and personnel,” says Kimmo Naski, CEO of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd.
The Port of HaminaKotka wishes to celebrate the anniversary in different ways, taking into account the coronavirus restrictions. Port-themed murals by the artist Timo Tyynismaa have been completed at the end of the Merituuli office building in Mussalo and on the wall of the Kuorsalo office building in Hamina. Moreover, on 1 May 2021 the great flag of the Port of HaminaKotka will be raised to the tallest flagpole in Finland in Hamina, and in Kotka the flag of the port will be hoisted to the flagpole of the City Hall and at Kantasatama Harbour together with the flag of Finland.
On May Day, those interested can explore the flag sites and murals on the following route: City Hall of Kotka – Kantasatama in Kotka – office building Merituuli in Mussalo – office building Kuorsalo in Hamina – Finnish Flag Place in Hamina.