As part of the Kotka PAX project funded by the Southeast Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020 programme, “Marine Façade”, the Passenger Port of St Petersburg, arranged a series of webinars for Port of HaminaKotka Ltd, discussing the operations of the Passenger Port of St Petersburg. The Passenger Port of St Petersburg is the only port in Russia specialised in cruise and passenger ferry traffic, and has extensive experience of the efficient organisation of passenger traffic.
The lecture series of four webinars was used for presenting to the Port of HaminaKotka issues such as the passenger and transport operations of the Port of St. Petersburg, the services offered to ships, environmental and safety measures, border formalities and co-operation with tour operators. The purpose of the webinars was to present and share good practices that the Port of HaminaKotka can apply to the development of the cruise and passenger ship terminal at the Kantasatama Harbour in Kotka.
“It was really interesting to get to know the operations of the Passenger Port of St Petersburg and hear how cruise ship services and excursions are organised when there are more than 600,000 cruise passengers annually! Environmental protection was also a highly interesting topic,” says Suvi-Tuuli Lappalainen, Deputy Manager, Traffic and Safety, of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the training was arranged in the form of webinars, which allowed all interested port employees to participate in the training.
“In the training, we learned to know our colleagues at the Passenger Port of St Petersburg, and new joint projects are already being contemplated. Hopefully next year we will be able to actually visit the Passenger Port of St Petersburg,” Suvi-Tuuli Lappalainen continues.
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