Oskari Aarnio has started as a Port Officer at Port of HaminaKotka Ltd. Oskari Aarnio has the training of a Sea Captain (Bachelor of Marine Technology) and Master of Engineering. He shifted to the position of Port Officer from the position of a Duty Officer of Port of HaminaKotka Ltd, which he held for about six years. Before working as a Duty Officer, he worked at Finnish Customs and at sea as navigating officer and first mate.
The position of Port Officer is a new duty at the Port of HaminaKotka, involving issues such as co-ordination of quay operations, supervision of liquid harbours and maintenance of maritime safety devices and vessel service equipment. The Port Officer also co-ordinates joint meetings with enterprises operating at the liquid harbours, arranges fire, rescue and oil spill prevention exercises at the liquid quays, takes care of the operation control for chemicals, serves as the substitute of the Operations Manager, and participates in the development of the company’s digital tools.
“The new work brings variety, and of course it is a huge learning experience. The stakeholders involved in the work of the Port Officer are somewhat different from those in the position of a Duty Officer, so I’m learning to know new people little by little,” Oskari Aarnio says.
Oskari Aarnio moved to Kotka to study in 2001, and he has been living in Kotka since then. Much of his leisure time is spent with the children’s interests and transporting the children to their hobbies.