This year, Port of HaminaKotka Ltd has donated the funds intended for Christmas gifts to the local associations of Save the Children in Hamina and Kotka. The local associations are part of the national and global Save the Children organisation. Through their own efforts, the associations contribute to the shared goals of the organisation. All activities are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The objective is to improve the way in which children are treated and to accomplish immediate and sustained changes in their lives. Special attention is paid to children in the most vulnerable position, and the activities are always guided by the best interests of the child. Families may have varying challenging situations, and, as an example, the continuation of a child’s hobby is important even when many other things have to be dropped.
Leena Sareskorpi, chairperson of the local association in Hamina, thanks Port of HaminaKotka Ltd for the donation and says that the donated funds will be used directly to support families with children.
“The main focus at the Hamina association is now on distributing financial relief directly to families with children. We are involved in a programme of Save the Children, under which we provide support for hobbies and school material support for secondary education studies due to a family’s poor financial situation. Moreover, this year more than 10,000 euros worth of food gift cards valued at 70 euros each have been given to families with children in distress due to the coronavirus crisis. These cards have been distributed through social work for adults, child welfare and church social work,” says Leena Sareskorpi.
Save the Children in Kotka will also distribute Christmas relief to low-income families with children in Kotka this year. The relief is given as purchase cards. The families to whom the relief is given come through Kymsote’s social services, the church social work of parishes and the Kymenlaakso Association of Mother and Child Home and Shelter.
“This year, we have distributed approximately 27,000 euros worth of purchase cards as corona relief. We are also involved in the programme for providing study material support for secondary education students as well as hobby support for children and adolescents under the age of 18. More than 15,000 euros of study material support has been granted to 55 young people, and more than 10,000 euros of hobby support has been given to 35 children and adolescents this year. The funds donated to us by Port of HaminaKotka Ltd will be used for these projects,” says Airi Karvinen, chairperson of the local association in Kotka.
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